


Removes all entry from the Jorunal. This operation is Global for all Razor.

  • afterTimestap: Double Timestap as UnixTime, the number of seconds elapsed since 01-Jan-1970. (default: -1, no filter)

Get a copy of all Journal lines as JournalEntry. The list can be filtered to include only most recent events.


Get a copy of all Journal lines as JournalEntry. The list can be filtered to include only most recent events.

Journal.GetLineText(text, addname)String
  • text: String Text to search.

  • addname: Boolean Prepend source name. (default: False)

Search and return the most recent line Journal containing the given text. (case sensitive)


Get list of speakers.

Journal.GetTextByColor(color, addname)List[String]
  • color: Int32 Color of the soruce.

  • addname: Boolean Prepend source name. (default: False)

Returns all the lines present in the Journal for a given color.

Journal.GetTextByName(name, addname)List[String]
  • name: String Name of the soruce.

  • addname: Boolean Prepend source name. (default: False)

Returns all the lines present in the Journal for a given source name. (case sensitive)

Journal.GetTextBySerial(serial, addname)List[String]
  • serial: Int32 Serial of the soruce.

  • addname: Boolean Prepend source name. (default: False)

Returns all the lines present in the Journal for a given serial.

Journal.GetTextByType(type, addname)List[String]
  • type: String Regular

System Emote Label Focus Whisper Yell Spell Guild Alliance Party Encoded Special * addname: Boolean Prepend source name. (default: False)

Returns all the lines present in the Journal for a given type. (case sensitive)

  • text: String Text to search.

Search in the Journal for the occurrence of text. (case sensitive)

Journal.SearchByColor(text, color)Boolean
  • text: String Text to search.

  • color: Int32 Color of the message.

Search in the Journal for the occurrence of text, for a given color. (case sensitive)

Journal.SearchByName(text, name)Boolean
  • text: String Text to search.

  • name: String Name of the source.

Search in the Journal for the occurrence of text, for a given soruce. (case sensitive)

Journal.SearchByType(text, type)Boolean
  • text: String Text to search.

  • type: String Regular

System Emote Label Focus Whisper Yell Spell Guild Alliance Party Encoded Special

Search in the Journal for the occurrence of text, for a given type. (case sensitive)

Journal.WaitByName(name, delay)Boolean
  • name: String Name of the soruce.

  • delay: Int32 Maximum pause in milliseconds.

Pause script and wait for maximum amount of time, for a specific soruce to appear in Jorunal. (case sensitive)

Journal.WaitJournal(msgs, delay)String
  • msgs: List[String]

  • delay: Int32

Journal.WaitJournal(text, delay)Boolean
  • text: String Text to search.

  • delay: Int32 Maximum pause in milliseconds.

Pause script and wait for maximum amount of time, for a specific text to appear in Journal. (case sensitive)