

  • Mobiles.Filter.Blessed Int32 Limit the search to only Blessed Mobiles. (default: -1, any Mobile)

  • Mobiles.Filter.Bodies List[Int32] Limit the search to a list of MobileID (see: Mobile.ItemID or Mobile.Body )

Supports .Add() and .AddRange()

  • Mobiles.Filter.CheckIgnoreObject Boolean Exclude from the search Mobiles which are currently on the global Ignore List. ( default: False, any Item )

  • Mobiles.Filter.CheckLineOfSight Boolean Limit the search only to the Mobiles which are in line of sight. (default: false, any Mobile)

  • Mobiles.Filter.Enabled Boolean True: The filter is used - False: Return all Mobile. ( default: True, active )

  • Mobiles.Filter.Female Int32 Limit the search to female Mobile. (default: -1, any)

  • Mobiles.Filter.Friend Int32 Limit the search to friend Mobile. (default: -1, any)

  • Mobiles.Filter.Hues List[Int32] Limit the search to a list of Colors.

Supports .Add() and .AddRange()

  • Mobiles.Filter.IsGhost Int32 Limit the search to Ghost only. (default: -1, any Mobile )

Match any MobileID in the list:

402, 403, 607, 608, 694, 695, 970

  • Mobiles.Filter.IsHuman Int32 Limit the search to Humans only. (default: -1, any Mobile )

Match any MobileID in the list:

183, 184, 185, 186, 400, 401, 402, 403, 605, 606, 607, 608, 666, 667, 694, 744, 745, 747, 748, 750, 751, 970, 695

  • Mobiles.Filter.Name String Limit the search by name of the Mobile.

  • Mobiles.Filter.Notorieties List[Byte] Limit the search to the Mobile by notoriety.

Supports .Add() and .AddRange()


1: blue, innocent 2: green, friend 3: gray, neutral 4: gray, criminal 5: orange, enemy 6: red, hostile 6: yellow, invulnerable

  • Mobiles.Filter.Paralized Int32 Limit the search to paralized Mobile. (default: -1, any)

  • Mobiles.Filter.Poisoned Int32 Limit the search to only Poisoned Mobiles. (default: -1, any Mobile)

  • Mobiles.Filter.RangeMax Double Limit the search by distance, to Mobiles which are at most RangeMax tiles away from the Player. ( default: -1, any Mobile )

  • Mobiles.Filter.RangeMin Double Limit the search by distance, to Mobiles which are at least RangeMin tiles away from the Player. ( default: -1, any Mobile )

  • Mobiles.Filter.Serials List[Int32] Limit the search to a list of Serials of Mobile to find. (ex: 0x0406EFCA )

Supports .Add() and .AddRange()

  • Mobiles.Filter.Warmode Int32 Limit the search to Mobile War mode. (default: -1, any Mobile)

    -1: any

    0: peace 1: war