

  • PathFinding.Route.DebugMessage Boolean Outputs a debug message. (default: False)

  • PathFinding.Route.IgnoreMobile Boolean Ignores any mobiles with the path calculation. (default: 0)

  • PathFinding.Route.MaxRetry Int32 Number of attempts untill the path calculation is halted. (default: -1, no limit)

  • PathFinding.Route.StopIfStuck Boolean Halts the pathfinding fail to walk the path. (default: 0)

  • PathFinding.Route.Timeout Single Maximum amount of time to run the path. (default: -1, no limit)

  • PathFinding.Route.UseResync Boolean ReSyncs the path calculation. (default: False)

  • PathFinding.Route.X Int32 Sets the destination position X. (default: 0)

  • PathFinding.Route.Y Int32 Sets the destination position Y. (default: 0)